Career and Technical Education (CTE)
In June 2015, the New York State Board of Regents approved regulations establishing multiple, comparably rigorous assessment pathways to graduation for all students. Multiple pathways recognize the importance of engaging students in rigorous and relevant academic programs. The regulations allow an approved +1 pathway assessment to be used toward meeting a student鈥檚 graduation requirements.
Under the 鈥4+1鈥 pathway assessment option, students must take and pass four required Regents exams or Department-approved alternative assessments (one in each of the following subjects: English, math, science, and social studies) and a comparably rigorous assessment for the fifth required exam to graduate. Students wishing to complete a CTE pathway, need to successfully complete a Department approved CTE program as well as an approved CTE pathway assessment. Until now, CTE pathway assessments have required a separate application process to receive Department approval to be used as +1 pathway.
Beginning immediately, the Department鈥檚 streamlined process will allow +1 pathway CTE technical assessments to be approved as a component of an application for CTE Program Approval, rather than through a separate application process. CTE technical assessments aligned with approved CTE programs of study are now considered as approved +1 Pathway Assessments and may be used as the fifth required exam toward graduation.
In all cases a student must successfully complete a Department approved program in CTE to gain access to an approved CTE technical assessment. All Department approved CTE programs will now culminate in an approved pathway assessment as determined by the program approval process. Any student who has successfully completed a Department approved CTE program and the resulting 3-part technical assessment in the past, or going forward, will be considered as having met the requirement for the +1 pathway in CTE. See the following links for more information on the or .
Further guidance will be forthcoming. Questions may be directed to听